Our mission is to enable all young people, especially those who need us most, to reach their full potential as productive, caring and responsible citizens.

Boys & Girls Clubs of Hartford is committed to furthering diversity, equity and inclusion because all young people deserve the right to be themselves, to feel a sense of belonging, and to have access to opportunities that support their great future.



Create a Legacy

Create a lasting legacy—Make a Positive Impact on Youth for Years to Come!

A planned gift is an incredible way to develop a lasting legacy that positively impacts Connecticut youth for years to come. Your planned gift helps to ensure future generations will have the programs, resources and guidance they need to achieve academic success, make healthy life choices and develop the life skills they need to reach their full potential.

Our goal is to help you craft your legacy in a way that benefits you and your loved ones. There are several ways you can support Boys & Girls Clubs of Hartford through planned giving, while enjoying tax and income benefits. Explore the variety of options and reach out to us to develop a legacy you’re sure to be proud of!


Planned Giving Options


Simply name Boys & Girls Clubs of Hartford, Inc. as a beneficiary of a sum of money or a percentage of your estate in your will or living trust. This revocable gift allows you the flexibility to revise your wishes over time as life circumstances change. You can leave the remainder of your estate after all final expenses have been paid, specify a fraction of your estate after final expenses or leave a specific sum of money to the Club. You can also choose to make your gift contingent on other beneficiaries of your estate surviving you.

Real Estate

You can give real estate you own but no longer need or want to manage, like a vacation home, farm or rental property, either during your lifetime or in the future. By doing so, you’ll enjoy a tax deduction based on the fair market value and avoid capital gains tax that would arise out of sale of the property. The Clubs will assess the real estate for compliance with our acceptance policies and determine if your property is a good fit for our planned giving program.

Life Insurance

Life insurance is a low-cost, simple way to make a significant planned gift. Simply name Boys & Girls Clubs of Hartford, Inc. a partial, contingent, full beneficiary or even the owner of your policy.


Turn stock market gains into an investment in Hartford’s youth and qualify for a tax deduction and avoid capital gains tax.

Gifts That Pay You Income

With a special gift you can receive income for your retirement, reduce your tax burden and help kids in your community.

Gift Annuities

Transfer cash or appreciated property to Boys & Girls Clubs of Hartford, Inc. and receive fixed income payments for life, receive an immediate charitable deduction and avoid capital gains tax on the sale of the appreciated property. A gift annuity is available through Boys & Girls Clubs of America and requires a minimum gift of $10,000. You must be at least 60 years old.

Charitable Remainder Trusts

Transfer appreciated property to an irrevocable trust and receive an immediate charitable tax deduction, avoid current capital gains taxes on long-term appreciated property and regular payments throughout your life. Upon death, remaining asses in the trust transfer to charity.

Charitable Lead Trusts

Transfer appreciated property to your family for the future through an irrevocable charitable trust. You designate the trust to exist for a specific number of years or until death. The charity receives an annual contribution and at the end of the term or death, the assets will pass on to family or friends as beneficiaries. Careful planning makes it possible to reduce or eliminate taxes normally due on the transfer of wealth to loved ones.

Donor Advised Funds

Recommend a grant from your donor advised fund to benefit Boys & Girls Clubs of Hartford, Inc. While we do not sponsor a donor advised fund (DAF), we are a qualified nonprofit to receive grants from DAFs.

Get Started

For more information or support in establishing your planning giving, contact:

Tomeka Cole


The information on this website is not intended as legal or tax advice. For such advice, please consult an attorney or tax advisor. Examples are for hypothetical purposes only and are subject to change.

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