Our mission is to enable all young people, especially those who need us most, to reach their full potential as productive, caring and responsible citizens.

Boys & Girls Clubs of Hartford is committed to furthering diversity, equity and inclusion because all young people deserve the right to be themselves, to feel a sense of belonging, and to have access to opportunities that support their great future.

About Us


Who We Are

Boys & Girls Clubs of Hartford is committed to furthering diversity, equity and inclusion because all young people deserve the right to be themselves, to feel a sense of belonging, and to have access to opportunities that support their great future.

Our mission is to enable all young people, especially those who need us most, to realize their full potential as caring, productive and responsible citizens.

Our doors are open every day after school, offering kids a safe, nurturing and enriching environment that is affordable for families.


Our Impact

Our members come from across the greater Hartford area and from a multitude of socioeconomic backgrounds. More than half are from single family households and 85% of members qualify for free or reduced school lunch. 

At Boys & Girls Clubs of Hartford, our members grow with us. At 2 years, 8 months, kids can join our Early Learning Center. Our Clubs are open to all young people ages 6 to 18 and as youth grow, the programs open to them change and evolve as well. We're here to meet them wherever they are! 


Youth served each year


Of members say they feel safe being themselves at their Club and are encouraged to make positive choices


Actively avoid risky behavior


Of our members feel like they have the skills they need to be successful in the workforce


Of our teens are preparing to go to college or another post-secondary institution and had a paid or part-time job or internship in the last year



Martaluz Olang

Club Alumnae

Boys & Girls Clubs of Hartford is an extension of your family. When I think of the life decisions I made along the way, they always involved Boys & Girls Clubs of Hartford.

Shyheim Williams

Asylum Hill Club Director

Boys & Girls Clubs of Hartford isn't a niche program of just sports or just music, we hit all targets of interest. We are helping all types of kids whether its a tech kid or athlete or artist.

James R.

South End Club member

I feel much safer at the Club. I don't have to worry about fights or issues at school. Instead, I'm taking part in basketball clinics or cool experiences like playing video games with the UConn football team.

Sheyenne B.

Trinity College Club member & 2024 Youth of the Year

Everyone always says it, but Boys & Girls Clubs of Hartford really is a second home. It's a place to escape to. It's a great environment to be in and that's what I love most about the Club.

Keyia Banks


I love the Boys and Girls Club and everyone here. I like that I don’t have to worry about the time after my son gets off school. He gets right on the bus, he comes to the Boys and Girls Club, they help with homework, they have activities, then they have dinner. It’s a community.

Monique Price

BGCH Club Alumnae

"The Club was always a home, a safe haven and we were always given what we needed to know that we could come in as a club member and rise up to anything we wanted to be, including CEO." -Monique Price, BGCH Club Alumnae.

Give the greatest gift of all – an investment in a child’s future.

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