Our mission is to enable all young people, especially those who need us most, to reach their full potential as productive, caring and responsible citizens.

Boys & Girls Clubs of Hartford is committed to furthering diversity, equity and inclusion because all young people deserve the right to be themselves, to feel a sense of belonging, and to have access to opportunities that support their great future.




Take your passion, hobby, interest, tribute or special occasion and turn it into a fundraiser that supports the Boys & Girls Clubs of Hartford (BGCH). Our community is a crucial element in BGCH’s success. Third Party Fundraisers are an excellent way for you to help our kids realize their full potential as caring, productive and responsible citizens.

If you are interested in hosting a fundraiser on behalf of the Boys & Girls Clubs of Hartford, we request that you read and review the FAQs and toolkit before completing the application form.

What is a Third Party Event

Third party fundraising is any type of event or program conducted by an individual, community group, school, business or organization where the Boys & Girls Clubs of Hartford is the beneficiary. Fundraising can be done in the form of a special event, a cause marketing program or as proceeds of a sale. It is planned and executed independently of the Boys & Girls Clubs of Hartford.

All fundraisers held on behalf of the Boys & Girls Clubs of Hartford need approval from the BGCH Development Department before the organization’s name can be used.

We are always open to new opportunities to raise funds for the Clubs.

How To Get Started

Read the material provided and fill out the application.

Give the greatest gift of all – an investment in a child’s future.

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